New Updates available for 360Works plug-ins, providing support for Linux
360Works is proud to announce a new generation of our products, built for modern infrastructures. This new release cycle brings the following features to many of our most popular products:
- Fully tested and supported compatibility with FileMaker Pro 2023, FileMaker Server 2023, Claris Pro 19 and Claris Server 19. Note that MirrorSync functionality with Claris Pro and Go 19 is limited since these products require an internet connection to authenticate offline copies.
- Native support for Apple Silicon (M1 / M2) chips, with no need to install the Rosetta compatibility layer. This means faster performance, lower memory footprint, and reduced energy / battery demands when running 360Works plug-ins
- Native support for Ubuntu Linux 20 and 22. For the products updated in this release, you will now have the choice to run FileMaker Server on Intel Macs, Apple Silicon Macs, 64-bit Windows, or Ubuntu Linux with either Intel or ARM architecture (Excluding SafetyNet)
- Automated installer for Ubuntu Linux
- Better SSL support for TLS 1.2, and an expanded list of trusted root SSL certificate issuers
- Upgraded internal libraries to modern, supported versions with numerous accompanying security, performance, and stability benefits
- Solved memory leaks that could occur when force-quitting FileMaker Pro
We would also like to announce that ScriptMaster is now a completely free product; the ability to do INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE SQL operations in the ScriptMaster Advanced product is now included in the free version. Custom Plug-in generation is now only offered as a service at our billable rate.
In addition, there has been a price reduction for 360Deploy and changes to the licensing types available.
Lastly, the latest release of CloudMail addresses the impending deprecation of TLS 1.0/1.1 for all AWS API endpoints. CloudMail now supports TLS 1.2. To update, install the new version over your existing CloudMail plugin and call the function CMSetAmazonCredentials. The plugin will then update the CloudMail infrastructure automatically.
Upgrade pricing for Email, FTPeek, 360Deploy, SuperContainer, RemoteScripter, Charts, JDBC, and WebAssistant can be found on each product?s web page.
MirrorSync, CloudMail, Zulu and the Portfolio Bundle (which includes most 360Works products) are maintenance products, and as such, are free upgrades for all customers with an active maintenance agreement. If you are outside of the maintenance window of your license, contact us at support@360works.com for assistance in renewing your maintenance.
If 360Works has created a custom plug-in for you, contact us for a price estimate to generate a new version of your plugin with these improvements. In most cases, this can be accomplished for a nominal fee.
We are hard at work completing the transition for our entire product portfolio. Look for future news announcements with product releases for Scribe, Plastic, and SafetyNet.
Using the plug-in links below, you can download the current updated version of the plug-in. Installing plug-in updates are easiest when using the Install Plugin File script step in all environments. For legacy systems, auto-update is supported as well. Find out more at 360works.com/autoupdate.
Updated Versions of 360Works Plug-ins:
Product Name | Product Description |
360Deploy 3.0 | Automated, simple deployment of new database versions |
Charts 3.0 | Easy-to-use charting for FileMaker |
CloudMail 4.0 | Send and track email marketing campaigns |
Email 5.0 | Send and receive text and HTML emails in FileMaker |
FTPeek 4.0 | FTP upload and download from your FileMaker database |
JDBC 3.0 | SQL access with JDBC Compatibility |
MirrorSync 6.5 | Sync FileMaker Go and Pro on a device without network connection, sync FileMaker Servers, and sync FileMaker with SQL databases |
RemoteScripter 3.0 | Trigger scripts on FileMaker Pro from the web or IWP |
SafetyNet 3.4 | FileMaker Server offsite backup |
ScriptMaster 6.0 | Adds many new functions & create custom plug-ins |
SuperContainer 3.0 | A better container field |
Web Assistant 3.0 | Access internet resources, URLs, and fill out web forms |
Zulu 5.5 | FileMaker calendar sync |