FileMaker Reminders: Integrate Apple Reminders with FileMaker using 360Works Zulu

Need to sync a quick reminder that you told Siri about from your device to your FileMaker database? Not a problem. 360Works Zulu 4 released a couple of weeks ago, and it shipped with new support for Apple Reminders! This means you can sync your "todos" or lists from your Reminders app on your iPhone, iPad, MacBook, or Mac with your FileMaker solution.
While our focus today is on Apple devices and Apple Reminders, we want to point out that Zulu can be used to synchronize calendars on non-Apple devices. In its entirety, Zulu is an application that keeps your calendar events in sync with FileMaker records. It is able to sync with Apple Calendar, Google Calendar, and Exchange Outlook Calendar. You can manipulate the events in your calendar, and Zulu will write these changes to FileMaker records. The opposite is also true, updates to FileMaker records will be written to your calendar's events. Zulu will even respect FileMaker's record level access privileges and record locking so you can filter records based on privilege set.
When using the new Apple Reminder support in Zulu 4 you are able to update your list items with detailed descriptions, perform actions from your list based on FileMaker data, and set alarms to ensure tasks are completed. Here are a few of these cool things you can do for your business in more detail:
1. The Simplest ToDo: Mark Tasks as Done in Apple Reminders App and Simultaneously Update FileMaker Records
Zulu makes it an easy process to update your Reminders app on your device and simultaneously update your FileMaker tables. The only thing a "todo" needs to be created with Zulu, is have the summary field filled out:
Once this todo is marked complete, FileMaker fields are populated automatically:
2. Get Detailed: Create Descriptions on Your Tasks in FileMaker and the Reminders App
You can add more task description from FileMaker or the Reminders app about your todo list and have both places synchronized. The Note field in Zulu allows for a bit more description about this todo, and this description will show in the Apple Reminder interface. Zulu allows you to specify a date when the todo is expected to be complete.
3. Is This Really Urgent? Set the Priority Level for Your Team in FileMaker or Reminders!
Zulu allows you to specify the urgency of a todo list item. The Apple Reminders app uses numbers to correspond to the level of urgency: 1 - High, 5 - Medium, 9 - Low, (empty field) - No Priority. You can use these numbers in FileMaker and they will be translated into the corresponding priority text in the Reminders App.
4. Make the Call Now! Perform Actions Immediately without Leaving the App
Zulu gives the todo an actionable icon that can be clicked to perform some activity.
You can initiate a phone call from a todo by storing the value: "tel:7702349293" in the zulu_ACTIVITY field:
You can open a web page by storing the value "https://google.com" and you can use an fmp url to open a FileMaker database:
5. No Task Forgotten! Set Alarms in FileMaker or the Reminders App
You can set alarms to indicate when and where a tasks needs to get done. This includes timestamp and proximity alarms. If you work with teams that travel to various work sites, proximity alarms will allow you to trigger a notification to the user when they arrive or depart a location.
Zulu 4 Availability
Zulu is easy to install. It is an extension for FileMaker Server. There are no scripts to write or processes to manage. Integrating Zulu into your solution is a snap!
Zulu 4 is available immediately for purchase. Pricing starts at $429 for a Workgroup License. Enterprise License and Solution Bundle Licenses are available for larger scale solutions. There is a free trial version available as well. Discounts are available for education and non-profit organizations.
Additionally, the Enterprise License for Zulu 4 is available in the 360Works Portfolio Bundle. This deal includes all 360Works products at 75% off of the cost of the entire suite of plug-ins and add-ons for FileMaker.
Zulu is a 360Works maintenance product, this means it includes free upgrades (major and minor) for a full year. At the end of a year, you can continue to use the version you have forever, or you can choose to purchase maintenance which includes upgrades (major and minor) for another year. If you choose not to renew maintenance at the end of the year, you will not receive updates (major or minor) unless you repurchase the software at full price. You may sign up to auto-renew maintenance and receive a 10% discount on your renewal.
All Zulu license holders with valid maintenance (within one year since date of purchase) can download and use Zulu 4 at no additional charge.
Download, try, or buy Zulu 4 here!
About 360Works
360Works offers a wide selection of developer tools for FileMaker, including their flagship product, MirrorSync (FileMaker Solution of the Year in 2013). Our FileMaker staff have been producing easy-to-use extensions to the FileMaker platform since 1996. As a Platinum member in the FileMaker Business Alliance and 2009 winner of the FileMaker Community Contribution award, we are one of the top-tier FileMaker development firms in the world. Our customers include NASA, Apple, Pixar, Make-A-Wish, Omnicom Group, the US Marines, Atlanta Business Chronicle, and many other successful organizations.
(770) 234-9293