Get the Best Benefits When You
Host FileMaker with 360Works
A few weeks ago, we announced our new "Guaranteed Reliability" FileMaker hosting services to better support remote workers. We offer cloud hosting for your FileMaker Server with numerous benefits for reliability, security, and support for our FileMaker products.
Perhaps, one of the best benefits is that MirrorSync, our award-winning and top selling FileMaker synchronization tool, is pre-installed and hosting for MirrorSync is completely free when you host with 360Works! (You will need to purchase your MirrorSync software separately, but keep in mind... MirrorSync ships with one sync configuration of FileMaker Server to FileMaker Pro or Go, plus one device seat, free of charge!)
MirrorSync is an elegant synchronization product that makes it simple for people working at home or in the field with poor network connection to work on offline copies of your hosted database, whether on iPads, iPhones, or laptops! It can sync between any combination of FileMaker Pro, FileMaker Go, FileMaker Server, SQL database (MySQL, Oracle, SQL Server, or any database that supports JDBC), Salesforce, WordPress, Amazon DynamoDB, and Amazon RedShift.
Did you hear about all top 10 benefits you receive when hosting FileMaker with 360Works? In case you missed the buzz, here are the top 10 benefits:

"We moved our last rack-mounted server from our office to AWS about eight years ago. Until then, I didn't realize how much time we spent scrounging for space on hard drives, power and network outages, and remote access issues.
Now, I don't have to worry about whether we can keep working
because of a storm or a construction crew cutting our cable,
and working from home is simple no matter where people are located."
- Jesse Barnum, President of 360Works
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