360Works MirrorSync is an elegant and robust synchronization tool for FileMaker known for its speed and reliability when transferring mission-critical data. More and more practices in the medical industry have turned to MirrorSync for a reliable, industrial-grade mechanism for securely syncing sensitive data.
IMS is one company in particular that has found MirrorSync very beneficial for a solution that supports emergency responses to life-threatening situations. IMS has been using technology to improve procedures for 2,500 EMS providers in Ohio by developing an intelligent custom application in FileMaker for ePCR (electronic Patient Care Reporting) and Fire Reports in compliance with regulatory requirements.
In emergencies where network connectivity is spotty or non-existent, such as the ambulance or hospital, IMS finds that MirrorSync has been the ultimate sync solution for their mission-critical application. The IMS ePCR application is now deployed to the app store thanks to the FileMaker iOS app SDK, and has been growing in popularity each day.