Thank you for your patience with the demonstration of fmPromise, a new free tool created to improve FileMaker and JavaScript integration.
You can now watch the video presentation by Sam Barnum immediately at the 360Works YouTube Channel. Questions can be asked in the comment section below the video, or by emailing support@360works.com
More on 360Works fmPromise:
We are now showcasing fmPromise, a brand new free tool created to improve JavaScript and FileMaker integration! Most people are aware that JavaScript in FileMaker can provide a much better UI within apps. While FileMaker 19 improved Web Viewer usage with JavaScript, 360Works is always looking for ways to build-in improvements to the FileMaker platform.
FileMaker 19 has added the ability to call FileMaker scripts from your JavaScript, as well as executing a JavaScript function from a FileMaker script. This allows for integration between FileMaker and JavaScript in your Web Viewer, but has some areas that fmPromise will make better.
- Every call from JavaScript to a FileMaker script needs a public JavaScript function to receive the script response, and it is the responsibility of the Script to call that function.
- All data coming back from FileMaker is a string
- Debugging JavaScript errors is very difficult without browser-based dev tools
- The window.FileMaker object is not available right when the page loads, so you need a window.setTimeout() to wait for it to become available if you want to populate your web viewer using a script call.
fmPromise is designed to address these shortcomings, and help you utilize Web Viewers in your solution with the minimum amount of fuss.
Tune In Remotely:
Click here to watch the video presentation anytime!
Click here to visit the fmPromise page and get your free download.