Get ready to impress your clients! In today's video, Joe demonstrates how a veterinarian can arrive at a patient appointment and save time by having all of the patient records in FileMaker he needs at the click of an Apple Calendar link in an event.
If you haven't heard by now, using 360Works Zulu - FileMaker Calendar Sync you can connect your FileMaker data with your Apple Calendar, Google Calendar, or Exchange Calendar.
In this advanced configuration tips video, you will learn about giving users a URL to automatically open their FileMaker database and run a script with the parameter you specify.
The user can look at their Apple, Google, or Exchange Calendar, view appointments that are in sync with their FileMaker records, and then click an FMP URL that takes them directly to the data they need without hassle or wasting time.
The veterinarian in the video example, can arrive at a patient's appointment and save time by having all of the patient's records he needs at the single click of a calendar link. This is just one example, imagine building this into solutions for law firms, fitness trainers, construction workers, consultants, doctors, and other small practices where time is of the essence! They need to be able to manage their schedule and their FileMaker data quickly and efficiently, Zulu gives you the power to put this functionality into their workflow to provide the best software experience for your users.
FileMaker is the world's leading workplace innovation platform. Take it to the next level and keep your calendar apps in sync with 360Works Zulu.