
Automate processing of Microsoft Office and PDF files. With Scribe 4, you can even merge or splice a PDF in a FileMaker container field and perform OCR in FileMaker!

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Word Document Automation in FileMaker

Find and replace text in Word documents, populate forms built with content control fields, read and write data to tables in Word, and add or append images to Word document.

PDF Automation, Plus OCR in FileMaker

Retrieve text from PDF files and form, including retrieval of values from PDF form fields. Insert new pages, secure with encryption/password protection, add images or append images and text to PDF files. Merge and splice PDFs, plus OCR functionality in Scribe 4!

Excel Automation in FileMaker

Retrieve data from any cell or range in the Excel file, write data to any cell, add images to Excel table cells, and retrieve cell metadata: cell comments, background color, rows and columns in a range.

Extract Searchable Text from Documents

Let's say that you're storing documents in FileMaker. You can store the documents in a container (or SuperContainer), but how will your user be able to search for the documents? The answer is Scribe. It will extract all of the human-readable text from any Word, Excel, PDF, HTML, RTF file, or even JPEG metadata.

Powerful Processing on FileMaker Text Fields

Scribe can visually show you what text was changed, highlight text within a text field, and find text patterns.

Included in the Portfolio Bundle

Receive an Enterprise license, which allows for server-side use and unlimited number of users, along with all products from 360Works when you purchase the Portfolio Bundle.

Need help setting up one of our products?

We are experts in FileMaker, Java, and Amazon Web Services. If you need a customized plug-in, modifications to an existing plug-in, or full plug-in/web app integration services, we can perform these services for you. Please fill out our Quick Form and we will contact you to discuss your solution needs and create an estimate.


System Requirements

All of our products are supported on Mac, Windows, and Linux—System requirements are the same as those of FileMaker.

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Tux the Linux penguin

What does the FileMaker community think?

I have put Scribe in place and it is working flawlessly so far... We have under way a test of a pdf form that has 393 fields, some are extracted and the rest are inserted into the form. So far, I cannot report any problems at all... 360Works and you have done a marvelous job!

- Charles Huff, Briggs & Associates

I've just seen the Scribe plugin. I'm too dumbstruck for more than two words: WOW! and Thanks!

- Marc Thewes, Thewes & Reuter

Yet another amazing and simple tool to make everyone think that I'm a genius. Thanks!

- Adrian Lee-Chin, Portland Holdings

Why did it take me so long to find this awesome plugin. I had been programming in the layouts inside FileMaker to print out, but this is a much more flexible solution. Great solution to a MAJOR headache I was having.

- Rob Wolf, Sweetman Communications


  • Yes, configuring your script to accomplish this is very easy. You can use Scribe's ScribeDocWriteValue function in a loop to iterate through every necessary Excel cell and replace the value in each cell with your data from FileMaker.

  • Scribe can not directly modify regular text in PDFs, but it can change values in PDF acrofields. Visit our documentation for more info on writing to acrofields: Scribe Functions - ScribeDocWriteValue

  • Scribe supports writing every field type in FileMaker, including container files, to documents.

  • Scribe communicates with Amazon Web Services and utilizes its Textract service to bring OCR to FileMaker. Simply upload images or PDFs to FileMaker container fields, then use Scribe to send those files to AWS to translate the images to either plaintext or JSON. For an in-depth look at Scribe OCR, view our demonstration here: 360Works Scribe 4 Setup Demo

  • When processing large files or large quantities of files, AWS Textract can take significantly longer which often leads to users seeing the error message "RESULTS NOT READY". The solution is to utilize AWS' asynchronous operations and split 1 large Textract task into multiple smaller tasks, then continuously call ScribeOCRFetch until the results are ready.